Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today was suppose to be a hactic day but ended up quite easy. Cause tutorials haven't started so I only had an hour of lecture today.

So my day was actually in the city enjoying boost and looking at stuff. Was looking at ps3 which will cost a scary price of AUS$899. I also looked at the samsung lcd tv not full HD one though, 40 inch one which cost $1500. I also saw 2 nice electric mixer one costing $299 and the other one at $699. Hahaha... What a day of window shopping.

My day hasn't ended yet though. Tonight going to watch the movie The I Heart Revolution. I didn't know there was a movie of it at first. But I was given a beautiful poster of it from Yau Shu and Rachel. So I hope tonight movie will be even greater than I expect. (:

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