Thursday, July 31, 2008

So Sick

I'm so sick of food. Hahha that's for now. My dinner today pretty oily. But taste real good. I cooked fish and chips plus fried squid. Yum yumm... (:

After dinner just now nearly puke when cooking for tomorrow's dinner. I think I have enough of food already for now. Feel so sick thinking of food. Hahahha....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today was suppose to be a hactic day but ended up quite easy. Cause tutorials haven't started so I only had an hour of lecture today.

So my day was actually in the city enjoying boost and looking at stuff. Was looking at ps3 which will cost a scary price of AUS$899. I also looked at the samsung lcd tv not full HD one though, 40 inch one which cost $1500. I also saw 2 nice electric mixer one costing $299 and the other one at $699. Hahaha... What a day of window shopping.

My day hasn't ended yet though. Tonight going to watch the movie The I Heart Revolution. I didn't know there was a movie of it at first. But I was given a beautiful poster of it from Yau Shu and Rachel. So I hope tonight movie will be even greater than I expect. (:


This week was the first week of uni. The first for this new semester. This new semester has many new things installed for me and I hope everything can so smoothly and easily. Hahahha... But i know it wouldn't be the case.

Anyways for the first day of uni I was already late for class. Hahahah... I nearly could have missed the whole class but thankfully got Khang Wee to wake me up. Phew...

This new semester I'm also placed into a different cell group. Departing from Jeremy's cell into a brand new cell leader Angelene. How will this new cell be like ? I have no idea. But I'll do my best to make it very fun and I'll learn as much as I can from Angelene. Wonder will I end up talking as loud as her at the end of the semester. If so it's actually quite cool. Hehehe...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The First Piece.

What a failure it is. Tasted not bad. I guess 20 minutes is too short the base will crack. The egg custard isn't fully cooked. Another bright side it is easy to take out of the pan. Wonder what the second one will be like. I need HELP !!! I think I need someone like Gloria who is super keng in making egg tarts. Aaaargh !!!


It's 533am. I have not sleep and I'm looking at my first dozen of egg tarts in the oven. And I've got 190 something to go. How am I to finish ? Can someone help me. Please.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cool Day

Another interesting happened today... Besides sleeping till 6pm I saw my precious bloomed. And only yesterday it looked so young. My lilium plant looks so beautiful.

Loook look...!

This is my new treasure in my room.... Hahah !! After spending so much on stuff in Melbourne this is one lovely thing I'm going to treasure as well even though it's a lot cheaper than other stuff. Heheh (:

Oh Man...

Today is like ? Err I don't know how to explain ? It's a first... Hopefully the last. It's a pretty weird day...

Hmm...? What do I mean by weird ? Well I just woke up. I woke up at 6pm. After sleeping at 430am that day. It just feels so weird right now.


Friday, July 18, 2008


I just bought something new ! Wooohooo ! Anyone want to take a guess ? I just bought it today. So it ain't something from Melbourne. (:

Someone. Guess guess ? Lol

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home sweet home...

I'm back in Perth now after a wonderful 2 weeks of hols in melb. It was great meeting up with all my friends there.

Sadly now need to come back. Last night just had a gaming session from after dinner till 6 in the morning. With a break to McD as well. Hahahh !! I just woke up at 330pm.

My next few posts will be about my melb trip. From day 1 till the last day and the second 'last day'.